Welcome to the Photochemisty/Photobiology Database

The goal of the Photochemistry/Photobiology Database is to provide scientists with an easily accessible searchable on-line collection of recent literature in photochemistry and photobiology including related fields, such as organic and bioorganic optical spectroscopy, radiation chemistry, and radiation biology. The Database has been started in 1996 and is updated monthly. The following features are provided:

- The whole Database is fully searchable
- Improved searching capability based on a code system of topics
- Recent entries separately searchable
- Authors' affiliations and e-mail addresses (if available) included
- Monthly e-mail alerting system

A search may be targeted on authors' names, keywords, journals, and on combinations thereof.
Keywords include every word of the title, a downloadable hierarchical code system of topics, a
downloadable list of acronyms of experimental techniques, and a downloadable list of frequently
used keywords (forthcoming). You can read an introductory text to learn more on the database.