
Photochemistry Database

  • When specifying multiple terms you can separate them by using AND and OR logical keywords.
  • Within author field two terms can be so used, within keywords maximum three.
  • You can use incomplete terms where ambiguous parts are substituted by special characters.
    % : any number of characters (including zero)
    _ : only one

    e.g. T%omas for Thomas or Tomas

  • You can select year zero or multiple times.

  • Options
    Tick the boxes you need.

    Where to search You can use this option to search among the newest collection of items introduced into the database. Please note, that this does not necessarily mean recently published articles.

    Show in result Data records may contain email and affiliation information that you can optionally select for displaying. Please note that ticking affiliation may result in significantly longer response time when searching the whole database.